Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay on Swifts Gullivers Travels and Orwells 1984 :: comparison compare contrast essays
Swifts Gullivers Travels and Orwells 1984 Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels and George Orwells 1984, two of English literatures most important and pervasive political criticisms, have helped to mold world opinion by offering natural viewpoints and attitudes, yet these two novels differ in their means of conveying their satire of valet nature. Whereas Gullivers Travels touches humanity with a humorous note and absurd situations, in bon ton to reveal the publics hypocrisy and societys reprehensible behavior, 1984, in contrast to Gullivers Travels, presents dismal and depressing circumstances which forebode a heinous future and threaten human existence. On his quest to reveal the inconsistencies and follies of humankind, Swift first offers the readers an opportunity to laugh at themselves (disguised as a Lilliputians), yet later, the readers find these humorous portrayals underscored with scorching and harsh fond and moral satire. Observing the Lilliputians struggle for power i n the little wars that they fight, Gulliver laughs at what he considers a joke, but in reality he laughs at human beings and their petty disagreements as well as their obsessions. There is a good deal of fun in Lilliput, and with Gulliver we are able to assume a reliable superior detachment and amusement at the ways of the pigmies (Davis 86). Another instance of entertainment for the bystander and reader occurs when the Emperor of Lilliput attempts to conquer the entire world (obviously not sensitive of a world much larger than his Lilliputo-centric sphere), and to overtake the navy of his mortal enemy. Still laughing and unsuspecting, Gulliver initially follows blindly during his stay, and completes all the tasks assigned to him, for he believes in the goodness of the princes. Not until Gullivers disillusionment with the iniquity of the princes and emperor, and hence with human beings, does he refuse to follow orders. These initial feelings of blind trust seem comparable to the society members unquestionable devotion towards Big Brother in the novel 1984. At the moment that the Emperor of Lilliput accuses Gulliver of treachery, Swift clarifies his satire, that the Lilliputians merely represent miniature humans. (Davis 87). Words, then, that the Emperor and his provide had previously used, such as degenerate nature of man, the great laws of nature, the miseries of human life break the mold of the Lilliputian world and apply universally to the terra firma of all humans (Davis 90). This short-lived humorous storytelling, offers a glimpse at the ultimate misanthropic messages and subtleties, which underlie the novel.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Facts About Low Carbohydrate Diets :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Facts About Low Carbohydrate DietsImagine a world where imperfections of the body did not exist. A place where viewer was seen from the inside and the body was not judged by looks. Today, a person cannot watch the television or flip though a newspaper without being obsessed with the thought of being fat or trying to achieve the perfect body.Dieting has been around for centuries, where people have always strived to have a goodish and toned body. Unfortunately, most people who lose weight cannot successfully keep it off. This leads to people attempting all eccentrics of diets to maintain an ideal weight. Nearly two-thirds of adults are considered over weight or obese. With this high proportion of overweight people, it is no surprise that by the year 2005, obesity will surpass smoking and become the nations leading bear of preventable d decimatehs (More Dieters..., 2004). After this statement was announced to the public, wellness activists pounced at this like a starving man at a buffet. Recently, Americans have been bombarded with products and programs that insure weight loss. One diet that has swept the nation with rapid weight loss results is the low carbohydrate diet. Low carbohydrate diets are receiving the attention of many an(prenominal) people through the over-sensationalism of the diet through the media, low-carbohydrate books, promotion from fitness centers and health clubs, and by many restaurants (Bilsbourough, n.d). A person cannot even go into a restaurant or fast food chain with out having the option of ordering off a low-carb lifestyle menu. An estimated forty million Americans have attempted to eat a low carbohydrate diet (Lempert, 2003).Low carbohydrate diets are simple programs in which a person restricts carbohydrate intake, and incorporates a greater core of high-protein foods into their diet. In return, caloric intake is dramatically decreased therefore, the body utilizes fat and muscle tissue for energy (Low Carbohydrate..., 200 4). Over a short period, this type of diet will result in rapid weight loss and health benefits. Even though many people do experience the health benefits of low carbohydrate diets, researchers claim that there are harmful side effects. Carbohydrates As a human, we are required to intake a certain summation of nutrients to function and maintain good health. Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Essential nutrients, or those nutrients that must be obtained from a food source, include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins (Worthington, 2004).
Serial Killers Essay -- Can Biology make us Murderers?
One must feel sorry for those who have got strange tastes, only when never insult them. Their wrong is Natures too they are no more responsible for having come into the world with tendencies unlike ours than are we for being born bowleg or well-proportioned. Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), Dialogue the Fifth (1795).If who we are and what we do originates in the brain, than the structure of and the occurrences therein can explain for our entire archive of personalities and behaviors. However, what about deviant behavior and personalities? If deviation implies wrong or inaccurate behavior, is there something wrong or inaccurate in the brains of those who are devious? The opening seems immanent, but also too easy.Surely there must be something wrong with someone who is extremely violent, or hurts individuals in ways our society result not allow. There are few things more repellent to human nature and morality than the concept of a consecutive killer. What is different about the brain s of these individuals whom our society finds unforgivable and unreformable predators? Society might find a biological reason for such atrocities more comfortable than the prospects of good and evil or a mistake. This paper will catalogue and take in charge to organize the current biological differences between our minds and that of a serial killer.Can Biology make us Murderers?Recent reports in science have install discrete locations in the brain that are used in intricate systems that serve as the human moral compass (1).Changes in the brain have long been known to change the behaviors of a man. In the famous example of Phineas bay window, an accident at his job caused an iron rod to pierce through Gages skull. Gage was able to stand and speak a... ...ield.http// a Unified Theory of William Jefferson Clinton, It was tough sifting through all the sites on serial killers that offered no real information (and there were a Lot of them seeing that there is a strange subculture around the topic). Strangely enough, I found galore(postnominal) sites that showed up on search engines under the word psychopath that focused on the Clinton Administration. I was surprised (as much as a Republican can be.) complimentary to say, the more intelligent ones had information that pertained to my topic. This was one of them.http// Findings Point to Brain Differences, A short article directly pertaining to my topic. Robert Hare is one of the leading figures in this field.http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Justifying the Iraq War :: Politics Wars Middle East Bush Iraq Essays
The ensuing contendfare between the fall in States and Iraq has been a topic of rock for several years now. Citizens of the States have been divided since the fight began and continue to cluster in groups that either fully support or have no support for President chaparral and this ongoing war. M any would like to know who is right and who is wrong. Is this war with Iraq justifiable, or has America jumped into something that could have possibly been avoided? To answer these questions a comparison should be do between the characteristics of this war and those that constitute a just war. Just war is a term which implies that a certain war is acceptable and justifiable base on certain conditions. The conditions for having a just war include those which must be visible before a war can be tell (Jus Ad Bellum) as well as those that must be followed during a war (Jus In Bello). Some of the conditions that are essential before war is state include having a just cause for war, hav ing the right intentions for war, and having no other alternative but war (1). Once move in a war other criteria apply such(prenominal) as the acts of war must be aimed those doing wrong and non at innocent civilians, prisoners of war should be treated humanely and with respect, and finally that there be no torture of any kind to soldiers of the opposing army. If these characteristics are put up against the United States and their strikes on Iraq, there is perfectly no way that the just war theory could classify this war as being just.The primary criterion for any war to be denominate as a just war is for that war to be declared for a just cause. The United States clearly did not have any such cause for launching a war against Iraq. The Bush administrations newly proposed doctrine of pre-emption declares the right to pundit strikes against states that are deemed to be afterlife threats against the US (2). Under the rules of just war, just cause is described as self defense aga inst an attack in put in to preserve innocent life, not pre-emptive strikes against possible dangers. The fact is, is that although the idea of attacking a nation that does not pose a threat today, but whitethorn pose one in the near future is as old as war itself, it completely goes against the precedents set forth by the just war theory(2).Justifying the Iraq War Politics Wars Middle East Bush Iraq EssaysThe ensuing war between the United States and Iraq has been a topic of controversy for several years now. Citizens of America have been divided since the war began and continue to cluster in groups that either fully support or have no support for President Bush and this ongoing war. Many would like to know who is right and who is wrong. Is this war with Iraq justifiable, or has America jumped into something that could have possibly been avoided? To answer these questions a comparison should be made between the characteristics of this war and those that constitute a just war. J ust war is a term which implies that a certain war is acceptable and justifiable based on certain conditions. The conditions for having a just war include those which must be visible before a war can be declared (Jus Ad Bellum) as well as those that must be followed during a war (Jus In Bello). Some of the conditions that are necessary before war is declared include having a just cause for war, having the right intentions for war, and having no other alternative but war (1). Once engaged in a war other criteria apply such as the acts of war must be aimed those doing wrong and not at innocent civilians, prisoners of war should be treated humanely and with respect, and finally that there be no torture of any kind to soldiers of the opposing army. If these characteristics are put up against the United States and their strikes on Iraq, there is absolutely no way that the just war theory could classify this war as being just.The primary criterion for any war to be labeled as a just war i s for that war to be declared for a just cause. The United States clearly did not have any such cause for launching a war against Iraq. The Bush administrations newly proposed doctrine of pre-emption declares the right to initiate strikes against states that are deemed to be future threats against the US (2). Under the rules of just war, just cause is described as self defense against an attack in order to preserve innocent life, not pre-emptive strikes against possible dangers. The fact is, is that although the idea of attacking a nation that does not pose a threat today, but may pose one in the near future is as old as war itself, it completely goes against the precedents set forth by the just war theory(2).
Renewable Power Policy and Hydroelectric Dams Essay -- Environment Exp
Renewable Power Policy and Hydroelectric Dams There has been much feud over changes in the environment due to the placement of hydroelectric dams, and also due to the pollution caused by other power plants which use non-renewable sources of energy. The arguments which come from sure groups against both sides seem rather strange. The purpose of this paper is to explore the environmental and other effects from both energy sources, and the arguments which be presented by different groups who lobby for and against the two sources of power. It appears in many opinions a group get out only access one issue, actually separating two topics which go hand in hand. The focalisation for examples in this paper with mainly rely on the southwest, and the case presented by the sierra club, which is one of the largest environmentalist lobbying organizations in the United States. A deeper focus will lie in the Grand canyon, where there are now 11 dams in place. These d ams in the Grand Canyon have been placed for a few reasons the Colorado River Restoration Project, which is made to help maintain the steady flow of water through the canyon, as well as to maintain and built lean and wildlife habitat a supply of hydroelectric power, which is a renewable energy source to power the southwest water reservoirs for surrounding communities in the Grand Canyon area and also for recreation areas on the lakes and reservoirs which have been created by the existence of the dams. The attacks on these programs are focused into three areas environment, culture and recreation. Supporters of reservoir draining are fighting for what they call a dying ecosystem from the flooding of large areas and the destruction of much fi... ...notes.pdfFranklin, Chris Let the Colorado River run free Earth Island Journal dancing 97 23.Glen Canyon Just Drain It Earth Island Journal, Autumn 2000 24.McManus, Reed Down Come the Dams Sierra Mau/June 98 16.Ostapuk, Paul. Exposing Si erra Club and Glen Canyon prove Myths. May, 1997. Appreciating Lake Powell. 09 Nov. 2003. Siddall, Scott. Current Controversy Draining Lake Powell. 26 Mar. 2002. Kenyon College. 09 Nov. 2003. Smith, Dean. Homework 4 Economics 284. Fall, 2003Unemployment Rate Drops to 6%. Arizona Daily Sun 08 Nov. 2003 A1Wilke, Anne W. Should Lake Powell be drained? E Magazine The Environmental Magazine Jan/Feb9819.Zengerle, Jason Water over the damn New Republic 24 Nov. 97 20.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Modernism is a movement that began in the early 1900s as a direction to break from traditional thinking and move forward into a new way of thinking ab step forward the ever-evolving world and its impact on society. Professor bloody shame Klages offers her thoughts on Modernism and the characteristics it holds as well as her thoughts on postmodernism, a movement that later followed Modernism, in her paper titled Postmodernism. In Arthur milling machines essay titled Tragedy and the Common Man, Miller gives his ideas on Tragedy and the sad hero, elements of modernism that can be found in his play last of a Sales homo. David Mamets Glengarry Glen Ross is a play that showcases the characteristics Klages writes in her paper that are found in Postmodernism works. Although both Miller and Mamets plays get away with salesmen and the troubles of capitalism brought by in such a stressful and competitive field, the way each author tells their story sets each work apart and categorizes it i nto a Modernism or Postmodernism category. Professor Klages in her essay, Postmodernism spends quite some time writing about Modernism since it predates Postmodernism. According to Klages, modernism is the movement in optical arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean (Klages, 1). One of the characteristics of Modernism she writes is an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity writing and a rejection of the short letter between mellowed and low or popular culture (Klages, 1-2). The themes of tragedy and tragic heros are ones that were limited to higher forms of art yet Modernism took that clannishness and brought it to lower forms of art as evidenced in Arthur Millers Death o... ... no use in trying to stimulate meaning out of ones life so these writers offer their stories and plays and let the chips fall where they may. Modernism and Postmodernism are movements that sought to bre ak free from traditional ways of thinking. to each one movement offers its own unique characteristics that separate them from one another. Millers essay on tragedy where he gives his ideas on why the common man is just as worthy as being viewed as a tragic hero, help readers identify Willy Loman as a tragic hero. When readers read Millers play, they can associate his work as a work of Modernism. Mamets play, on the other hand, is a Postmodernism work collectable to the fact that it has no tragic hero, there is no tragedy present, it is just a play about a couple of salesmen and their everyday lives. There is no meaning to be searched for since Mamet makes no attempt to give one. Essay -- Modernism is a movement that began in the early 1900s as a way to break from traditional thinking and move forward into a new way of thinking about the ever-evolving world and its impact on society. Professor Mary Klages offers her thoughts on Modernism and the characteristics it h olds as well as her thoughts on postmodernism, a movement that later followed Modernism, in her paper titled Postmodernism. In Arthur Millers essay titled Tragedy and the Common Man, Miller gives his ideas on Tragedy and the tragic hero, elements of modernism that can be found in his play Death of a Salesman. David Mamets Glengarry Glen Ross is a play that showcases the characteristics Klages writes in her paper that are found in Postmodernism works. Although both Miller and Mamets plays deal with salesmen and the troubles of capitalism brought forth in such a stressful and competitive field, the way each author tells their story sets each work apart and categorizes it into a Modernism or Postmodernism category. Professor Klages in her essay, Postmodernism spends quite some time writing about Modernism since it predates Postmodernism. According to Klages, modernism is the movement in visual arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art shou ld be made, consumed, and what it should mean (Klages, 1). One of the characteristics of Modernism she writes is an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity writing and a rejection of the distinction between high and low or popular culture (Klages, 1-2). The themes of tragedy and tragic heros are ones that were limited to higher forms of art but Modernism took that exclusiveness and brought it to lower forms of art as evidenced in Arthur Millers Death o... ... no use in trying to create meaning out of ones life so these writers offer their stories and plays and let the chips fall where they may. Modernism and Postmodernism are movements that sought to break free from traditional ways of thinking. Each movement offers its own unique characteristics that separate them from one another. Millers essay on tragedy where he gives his ideas on why the common man is just as worthy as being viewed as a tragic hero, help readers identify Willy Loman as a tragic hero. When readers read Mille rs play, they can associate his work as a work of Modernism. Mamets play, on the other hand, is a Postmodernism work due to the fact that it has no tragic hero, there is no tragedy present, it is just a play about a couple of salesmen and their everyday lives. There is no meaning to be searched for since Mamet makes no attempt to give one.
Essay --
Modernism is a movement that began in the early 1900s as a commission to break from conventional thinking and move forward into a new way of thinking ab fall out the ever-evolving world and its impact on society. Professor bloody shame Klages offers her thoughts on Modernism and the characteristics it holds as well as her thoughts on postmodernism, a movement that later followed Modernism, in her paper titled Postmodernism. In Arthur milling machines essay titled Tragedy and the Common Man, Miller gives his ideas on Tragedy and the tragic hero, elements of modernism that can be found in his play dying of a Sales creation. David Mamets Glengarry Glen Ross is a play that showcases the characteristics Klages writes in her paper that are found in Postmodernism works. Although both Miller and Mamets plays superintend with salesmen and the troubles of capitalism brought off in such a stressful and competitive field, the way each author tells their story sets each work apart and categor izes it into a Modernism or Postmodernism category. Professor Klages in her essay, Postmodernism spends quite some time writing about Modernism since it predates Postmodernism. According to Klages, modernism is the movement in optic arts, music, literature, and drama which spurned the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean (Klages, 1). One of the characteristics of Modernism she writes is an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity writing and a rejection of the distinction between richly and low or popular culture (Klages, 1-2). The themes of tragedy and tragic heros are ones that were limited to higher forms of art still Modernism took that cliquishness and brought it to lower forms of art as evidenced in Arthur Millers Death o... ... no use in trying to give meaning out of ones life so these writers offer their stories and plays and let the chips fall where they may. Modernism and Postmodernism are movements that sought to br eak free from traditional ways of thinking. from each one movement offers its own unique characteristics that separate them from one another. Millers essay on tragedy where he gives his ideas on why the common man is just as worthy as being viewed as a tragic hero, help readers identify Willy Loman as a tragic hero. When readers read Millers play, they can associate his work as a work of Modernism. Mamets play, on the other hand, is a Postmodernism work collect to the fact that it has no tragic hero, there is no tragedy present, it is just a play about a couple of salesmen and their everyday lives. There is no meaning to be searched for since Mamet makes no attempt to give one. Essay -- Modernism is a movement that began in the early 1900s as a way to break from traditional thinking and move forward into a new way of thinking about the ever-evolving world and its impact on society. Professor Mary Klages offers her thoughts on Modernism and the characteristics it ho lds as well as her thoughts on postmodernism, a movement that later followed Modernism, in her paper titled Postmodernism. In Arthur Millers essay titled Tragedy and the Common Man, Miller gives his ideas on Tragedy and the tragic hero, elements of modernism that can be found in his play Death of a Salesman. David Mamets Glengarry Glen Ross is a play that showcases the characteristics Klages writes in her paper that are found in Postmodernism works. Although both Miller and Mamets plays deal with salesmen and the troubles of capitalism brought forth in such a stressful and competitive field, the way each author tells their story sets each work apart and categorizes it into a Modernism or Postmodernism category. Professor Klages in her essay, Postmodernism spends quite some time writing about Modernism since it predates Postmodernism. According to Klages, modernism is the movement in visual arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art shoul d be made, consumed, and what it should mean (Klages, 1). One of the characteristics of Modernism she writes is an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity writing and a rejection of the distinction between high and low or popular culture (Klages, 1-2). The themes of tragedy and tragic heros are ones that were limited to higher forms of art but Modernism took that exclusiveness and brought it to lower forms of art as evidenced in Arthur Millers Death o... ... no use in trying to create meaning out of ones life so these writers offer their stories and plays and let the chips fall where they may. Modernism and Postmodernism are movements that sought to break free from traditional ways of thinking. Each movement offers its own unique characteristics that separate them from one another. Millers essay on tragedy where he gives his ideas on why the common man is just as worthy as being viewed as a tragic hero, help readers identify Willy Loman as a tragic hero. When readers read Miller s play, they can associate his work as a work of Modernism. Mamets play, on the other hand, is a Postmodernism work due to the fact that it has no tragic hero, there is no tragedy present, it is just a play about a couple of salesmen and their everyday lives. There is no meaning to be searched for since Mamet makes no attempt to give one.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Greater Access to the Internet Has Enabled Buyers
Greater access to the mesh has enabled buyers to search more(prenominal) easily for nurture ab appear latent suppliers of goods and services. This has signifi firetly affected many industries, much(prenominal) as insurance, banking, retailing and travel. To what extent do you think that increased internet usage needs reduces producers profits? Justify your answer with reference to organizations and/or industries that you know. Over the past decade, Shopping on the internet has skyrocketed with internet sales reaching almost ? 0 billion in 2012, which accounts to almost 10% of total sales in the UK. This is due to the increased possession of Internet devices such as smartphones, laptops and computers. It has become much(prenominal) easier and simpler for consumers to buy products online using these devices. Increased internet security has also increased invite for online shopping due to customers being confident in undergoing an online transaction. Another payoff of selling i tems on the internet is that it gives you the opportunity to advertise your or another companies products.Over 80% of the British population uses the internet regularly which opens up a enormous market for advertising and for companies to show their products to users of the internet. However, results in increased internet usage have resulted in the decreased need for physical advertising such as books, magazines and newspapers which have begun to prove more ineffective in advertising products. For example, a double paged spread in a popular newspaper can draw costs of ? 10,000 while costs of advertising on a high traffic website may only cost ? 200 a month.Jessops has recently entered judgeship and is a perfect example as to how increased internet usage can reduce profits for some firms. Its target market was camera lovers, which prints out photos, sells cameras and a large number of accessories. Despite being an online retailer, Jessops failed to compete with the low prices of Amazon, Currys and other online competitors. The internet has an endless supply of products such as cameras at a very competitive price. Some products would not be sold in Jessops but would be sold online resulting in losses of potential revenue for Jessops.Another market which has slowly died is the demand for printing of photos, due to social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook people dont need to character their photos in a physical format and are capable of simply sending the picture via these social websites. In this case of selling products it was a broad drawback for Jessops but turned out to be an advantage for competitors such as Amazon. The increased number of internet users leads to benefits for Amazon who thrive off increased internet usage due to consumers finding it a cheaper alternative to Jessops.The internet can also be a good source of primary market look for which enables firms such as Amazon to analyze prices of different websites. This would give the opportunity for Amazon to perhaps reduce prices or introduce offers which would help them sell more products. I believe it is entirely up to the company, this kind of competition would perhaps not effect Amazon due to their size in the market and their dependability where customers instantly visit Amazon knowing they will be given a fair price and receive their purchased item quickly.However, it did affect Jessops who failed to respond to demand and lower prices resulting in there imminent administration. I dont believe that the increased usage of the internet reduces profits as some firms can be incredibly profitable off of this. With the current state of the economy, people who are in need of high quality clothing have tended to escape further away from worldwide brands such as Gucci, D&G and Louis Vuitton and have moved closer to the retail shop Zara. Zara has blossomed over the past few years, both online and in the high street due to increased internet usage and there quick r esponse to demand.It is primarily follow out to the type of argument and the level of competitiveness they possess. A large number of fashion companies are not focused on their usage of the internet and rely on customers buying these products physically from their shop which can be a major drawback in their market as they cant expand their popularity to the larger target market found online. From the examples supplied I do not believe the increased usage of the internet will reduce producers profits as it will be down to the nature of the product and other related reasons.Reaction to change online will affect the companies chances of success in the current economic climate however. The internet can offer up an endless number of benefits for companies such as easy shopping, safe transactions and more straightforward searches. The internet has proven to be more successful for companies such as Zara having a massive profit increase of 43% simply after the re-designing of their websi ote making it simpler for the inline internet shopper. Although a company like Zara could earn an flimsy amount from online sales this leads to high street stores failing due to the loss in numbers of customers.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Villain, Hero, or Victim?
Katie Parlier Villain, Hero, or Victim? Jay Gatsby is one of Americas most prized antagonists who the reader genuinely wants to believe in but his personae of a combatant is absurdly presented and admired. Char rounders are commonly placed in either the hero or villain category, but Gatsby is the exception because he exhibits more qualities of a victim. Gatsby has move victimized by Daisys guise. During the initial relationship between Daisy and Gatsby in Kentucky, Daisy continues to encourage Gatsbys affections even though she knows that there is no future with Gatsby.Gatsby is non and will never be aristocratic and in his pursuit of the impossible, Gatsby loses his identity along the way. A victim is defined as a person who has been harmed or tricked, and Gatsby unquestionably falls prey to Daisys ability to smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into her money or vast carelessness originally Gatsby and Daisy even met, Gatsby had set a goal to leave behind his po or roots and create a successful life full of wealth.Gatsby in the summer of 1924 has accomplished exactly that but because of his encounter with Daisy his initial dream changes and becomes further complicated because it now depends on the actions of another person. After Daisy and Gatsbys month of romance, Gatsby has tacked on the ambition to not only become wealthy and successful for himself, but for the hope that Daisy will acknowledge his prosperity and select Gatsby as her husband. Daisy presents Gatsby with a false sense of hope because she knew all along that money was not enough, she must be involved with an aristocratic society.This fictitious sense of hope causes Gatsby to attain the maximal amount of money in the minimum amount of time even it is accomplished in unsavory ways. Gatsby is victimized by Daisys lies and becomes a pitiful just to satisfy Daisys needs. His criminal activity caused as a result by Daisys actions lead Gatsby into a downward spiral that is perc eptible throughout the novel with the endless parties. Now that Gatsby has acquired his great wealth, he decides to take out Daisy by throwing ostentatious parties that attract people alike kids flocking to the wonders of a circus.The never goal flamboyant parties become so vast, that the host morphs into a ghostlike entity with his presence known lurking around the parties every once in a while without cosmos recognized as an actual man. Gatsby becomes this grand and mysterious socialite who not known by the own people who visit his house. His personality does not exist for the partygoers, so they have to create their own versions of the great Jay Gatsby. Gatsby does not bother with making friends while he is in West Egg because his only goal is to attract the attention of Daisy.Because he does not socialize, he has lived the life of a hermit creating new ways to fascinate Daisy while Daisy is out living her life without the slightest retentivity of Gatsby. Daisy does not ackn owledge the presence of others unless they are some use to her, and manipulation and deceit towards Gatsby only continues to escalate as the novel progresses. The final victimized act of Gatsbys life occurs when takes the blame for Daisys actions against Myrtle that eventually lead to his death. Just before Daisys hits Myrtle with Gatsbys car, Daisy has chosen to stay with turkey cock because of Gatsbys suspicious business practices.However Gatsby still believes that Daisy will come back to him because she never outright admitted to loving Tom. Just like Gatsby and Daisys month of love, Daisy is never able to tell Gatsby the truth and completely end her relationship with Gatsby because she likes the power. In both cases Gatsby is presented with the false sense of hope and once again becomes the victim of Daisys fun and games. Daisy is too selfish to realize that she is playing with someones life and her actions could have long term consequences to others.Up until the very end Daisy continues to manipulate Gatsby like an inconsiderate puppet master. She controls the strings of Gatsbys life, but when things get messy Daisy takes the quickest way out, to remove her fragile societal image from the dubious situation. Daisys influence on Gatsby turned him from a strong-willed man who created a destiny to make himself a better man to a disappointed gain who modeled his life actions after the feelings of another. Gatsby has become the ultimate victim to the alluring qualities of a woman and never has the chance to recover.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bad Boss Good Boss Essay
Servants dont know a favourable master until they use up served a worse, (Aesop). By the huffy age of eighteen, most people have had a job. Whatever that job was, the kind of master pommel encountered most likely made a larger difference in how work performance is perceived and what constitutes a good or a noxious em oldtimer. The collaborative relationship or lack in that respect of, between an employee and employer is a contributing factor when measuring whether or non one has been successful. In these encounters one invariably learns the difference between a good or a bad boss. When comparing leadershiphip capability of bosses, it is important to consider communication, collaboration, and people skills to determine their ability to succeed. Good bosses communicate with their employees effectively, while bad bosses atomic number 18 poor communicators. All bosses differ in their communication style. Some bosses like e-mail while otherwises like face-to-face contact. Empl oyees need communication from their bosses to pull good decisions and to make sure a job is being done to specification. For example, a project is due in a weeks magazine there are three different ways to complete this project, but there is only one way from managements point of view.A good boss lead take the time to pardon clearly how he or she wants this job to be done he or she testament show the employee the correct way to do the job so the employee does not second guess himself. How a boss communicates with the employee has a major impact on their performance. Good bosses inspire and motivate the people they lead, encourage them to give feedback, and avoid launching into arguments or becoming angry when they think an employee is wrong. A bad boss on the other hand is withdrawn he or she does not seem to care if their employees perform to their highest standard, and give neither time nor priority to auditory modality as long as they amount the job done. For example, an emp loyee is doing a job that he or she could do much more effectively with a punyguidance instead of the boss communicating with the employee, he allows the employee to complete the job and does not show the employee anything. grim bosses do not feel it necessary to regularise the employees anything about the nooky line or how the company is doing, he or she does not care about the well being of the employee or how they are performing in their jobs. They just do not communicate, and rarely show any emotion-good or bad. A good boss collaborates with employees, bad bosses are selfish. During ones on the job(p) career, one will have many bosses with varying leadership styles and interpersonal skills. Despite the disparity of personalities, the collaborative relationship the boss has with the employees is signifi disregardt and the set up long lasting. Working well with the employees requires a concerted effort to obtain the knowledge and skills forming the foundation of a mutually be neficial relationship. A good boss knows that improving collaboration with the employees is essential to the advancement and completion of doing a good job. He or she will work with employees to achieve goals and complete projects.If working on an assembly line, a good boss will take the place of an absent employee and do the exact job that employee was doing. Conversely, a bad boss does not know the meaning of team. He will show a lack of interest in the wellbeing of the people he leads, and he will be prone to be demeaning and disrespectful. He or she will take the credit for a job done well without any recognition to the employees that actually completed the work. When things do not go as planned, bad bosses will place the blame on anyone but themselves, they tend to find it well-off to blame wasteful work systems, processes, and staff members for their inability to meet company wide goals and performance standards. Good bosses exhibit good people skills however, with bad bosse s its all about them. A good boss will go out of his way to accommodate an employee. Even when reprimanding an employee they will always give them a chance to explain and tell their side of the story.A good boss will tell an employee not to take it personally and take the time to explain that everyone has a bad day. As opposed to a bad boss who does not care about what the employee is feeling, he or she just wants the job done-no questions asked. Bad bosses tend to flaunt their rank and make sure the employees have no doubt about who the boss is. He or she will never get in the trenches with the employees as this is beneath him. When employees do a good job andare recognized by others, the bad boss wants all of the glory. On the other hand, if he or she is being recognized they do not share the spotlight with the employees. Bad bosses have a false sense of security, they feel that what they are doing is fine as long as upper management does not hold them responsible or accountable f or actions or positive change, and things remain in a constant state of confusion for the employees. In the business world, good bosses are an asset to any company.They appreciate what their employees do and do not capitulum getting in the trenches with them. The turnover rate in the workplace would be much lower if all companies had bosses that were competent, compassionate and fair. Although there may be as many good bosses as there are bad, it is likely that most bosses are a bit of both, swinging both ways so to speak. To have a boss that makes employees realize that they have more ability than they thought they had so they do better work than they thought they could, versus a boss that negatively impacts the work environment by fostering high levels of employee frustration, stress, resentment, and unnecessary labor turnover makes all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful company. When disposed a choice, most people if not all would choose a good boss over a bad boss every time.During the working career, one will have many bosses with varying leadership skills and interpersonal styles. Despite the difference in personalities, the collaborative relationship you have with your boss can be significant and the effects long-lasting. Whether the boss is good or bad, some boss-employee relationships can withstand the test of time. Forming a harmonious and productive relationship with the boss can be good but is not always possible. Every boss brings with them different personalities, backgrounds and challenges. The bottom line is in all successful companies the leaders possess a certain degree of collaboration, communication and good people skills. At the end of the day in a successful company the bottom line is really what matters.ReferencesDay, J. A. (n. d.). Good boss, bad boss? Ezine articles, 1-3. Retrieved from http//,-Bad-Boss?&id=7250782 Jamison, T. G. (2012, 3/27). 7 Signs of a bad boss. BioSpace. Retrieved fr om http// Post, P. (2013,11/17). What does a good boss do to be a good boss. The Boston Globe, pp. 2. Retrieved from http// Scott, D. E. (2007, 2/1). personal & Financial Health. Collaboration with your boss strategic skills for professional nurses., 1-3. Retrieved from http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Howl’s Moving Castle in Terms of the Journey
yawps Moving Castle is a consider by Hayao Miyazaki, and it follows the life of a young girl who is a eyelid-maker to many learning experiences, emotional involvements, and physical (laborious) voyages. She starts off as a simple hat maker before trouble befalls her and meets a witch who makes her into an old woman. She runs off to try and reverse the spell, concourse a man and his friends, from inside a pitiable castle, who journeys together, overcoming all obstacles, and finding her true self again.This movie is mainly focusing on the physical journey, scarcely at the same time, the characters experience not wholly physical journeys, but also emotional and inner journeys of learning, and developing many feelings toward other people. In the main characters perspective, the setting shows what a journey of a life she has had so far, and up to what stage of life she is in time being the key word in this journey, since she very soon meets a woman during a windy, stormy, dark-li ghting, night, who curses her into being an old woman, with no time passing for her.And so, in this fashion, she re-meets Howl, the person who once furtherd her from some blob men who were chasing her. Upon meeting him, her path on her journey changes once again from something of no hope (grayscale), to something that gave her hope, and will eventually restore her (colourful). On the moving castle, she meets many friends. Not unaccompanied that, but she also finds knobs that transport her to different places once she exits the door, but she is prohibited from going to the atomic number 53 black knob.Her journey does not come across that one knob until near the ending, where, once she turns to that knob and exits, she is not only transferred through space, but also time, and into someone elses life Howls past. The non-diegetic medication also helps lead into the journey, and also helps to create a change of setting. By learning of his journey about how he transformed from that k id, to that generate self, she finds out to save him, save his friends, herself, and most importantly also her enemies.This movie is extremely helpful towards the concept of journey as all the characters in it have shown a coup doeil (sometimes more) of their journey to the viewer, and allows the audience to empathise with the characters. Taking a step back though, you can really see how their past, present and future journeys are all incorporated with each other, influencing and intertwining each other characters journeys too, like an unbreakable web of chains.Howls Moving Castle is similar to The Shawshank Redemption, as it is a film, but not only is it because of it being this text type, but also further represents how journeys are linked together. For Howls Moving Castle, things are rehashed from the past, inside the present of this movie, but for Shawshank, Andy never had connections with the other convicts, nor did they before the crime was committed and they were sent there . The differences range from one being a fairy-tale world, the other being like a nightmare and to, most importantly, the environment.The atmosphere and tone influence the emotions of the characters involved as well as the way their journeys turned out, and through which road in Howls Moving Castle, the girl had to save the others, who then in turn, saved her in Shawshank however, Andy saved himself, and before hed escaped, hed influenced others to be safe and hope although both the endings were implied to be joyous. Also, whilst in Howls Moving Castle, there is a lot of physical journey in terms of travelling, in Shawshank, everyone remains inside the prison, unable (or sometimes unwilling) to go out.In both films, the themes of hope and determination are prominent to the journey, although the different personas act and react in different ways. This reinforces the concept that no persons journey is identical, although it can be similar. Both films are important to the journey, as it emphasises that no matter in which situation, you can still strive for an ultimate good result, and sometimes it is possible to achieve it.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Hurricane Sandy: What Went Wrong Essay
Hurricane Sandy introduced herself to the United States in October of 2012. The super fall upon began its course in the Southeast, and travel all the way up to the Mid-Atlantic. The subsequentlymath of this storm caused massive amounts of devastation to homes, businesses and shore areas. It left families grieving for those who were lost, and left a nation feeling begrimed for those that were now homeless. The preceding actions that took place after the storm are what might be remembered most about this devastating storm.Epic FailureThe post storm easiness effort of Hurricane Sandy or lack of it is what is making news today. The lack of both a tactical and strategic plan from important leading of our country has left victims of the storm still struggling to pick up the pieces nearly three months affect the storm. With strategic planning, issue x is staring us in the face and we need some way to help us think about its resolution, or else we will be badly hurt. (Bryson, 2011) But months after the storm it seems that our leaders are still thinking and not reacting.In parts of Long Island, many are still without power. New York councilmen, Mark Cuthbertson was quoted saying, This was among new(prenominal) things an epic failure of communication. (Cuthbertson, 2012) A failure of communication all comes back to a lack of planning. Everyone knew this storm was coming and the possible effects it could have so there really shouldnt have been an excuse for a lack of communication.A benefit concert held at the famous Madison Square tend was held to give relief to those affect by the storm. The concert producers announced the benefit performance raised about $50 million for people affected by Hurricane Sandy. (Mckinley, 2012) To this day however, no one really knows where that money has gone. Perhaps there self-aggrandizing little by little to victims but not a profound amount to start the rebuilding bring. Everyone has begun to assume where the money has gone. T his money was raised to help the victims out immediately, but no one has seen anything yet.Organizations like FEMA have as well as made mistakes after hurricane Sandy. While FEMA did give some emergency checks to some victims, the process to get any money from the organization was faulty. Many of the victims lost a lot of property if not everything. FEMA seemed to be giving a lot of the victims the run around. They were asking for documentation that many lost in the storm, which allowed FEMA to slow drink the process of giving this relief money. Instead, Joel Rose of the National Public Radio reported, FEMA is encouraging victims to apply for a low-interest loan from the small business administration. (Rose, 2012) Many victims rent not to do this, because they were out of work and would have to pay back the loan.Relief efforts were also interrupted by politics. President Obama passed a bill giving 50 billion dollars in relief money. Many Republicans voted against this bill becaus e they felt it puts the country into more debt. Republicans argued, its spending thats traditionally been untouchable, but its still spending. (Keith 2013) They agreed to vote for the bill as long as the bill was offset by cuts elsewhere.Conclusion/ SummaryThe hesitation of the United States leaders in regards to planning are the key to what went wrong after Hurricane Sandy. The inability to show us where relief money is going has caused uproar. The faulty application process of FEMA has caused more headaches then relief. If money was raised it should be spent and spent on relief immediately. A plan should have been outlined and shown to the victims with a timeline of when, how and where the relief effort and rebuilding will occur. Hesitation only gives doubt to Americans, and that seems to be what is happening.ReferencesBryson, John. M. Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass, 2011Cuthbertson, Mark. N.P.R. Group Probes Delayed Power restitu tion Post Sandy, December, 2012, http//, Tamara. N.P.R. House Takes Up Sandy Relief Bill After It Was DroppedBy Previous Congress, January, 2013, http//, James. The New York Times. 12-12-12 Producers Say design Brought In $50 Million, December, 2012, http//, Joel. N.P.R. Some Sandy Victims Tied Up With Bureaucracy, November, 2012, http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Mediation â⬠Practicum
What kept the two sides glued to the negotiating skirt was their mutual desire to stay out of court. Although for different reasons, a court example would not help the causes of Manasseh Pulp & Paper Company (Manasseh) and Shawnee Power Company (Shawnee). Manasseh had two reasons for wanting to settle the dispute out of court. First, the company was not financially healthy. It feared that the combined cost of taking down the dam and bringing Shawnee to court would dangerously drain the company coffers.Second, it considered Shawnee a big customer for their specialty written document and believed, correctly, that filing a suit would certainly mean losing a sizable amount of business. (Selig, 2002) Although Manasseh appeared adamant in its initial demand, I believe that the company was in truth hoping for a favorable out of court settlement.Shawnee, on the other hand, had its own reasons for avoiding a court fibre. Even before the problem with Manasseh arose, the company had already authorized an order from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requiring it to clear the river of their toxic metal discharge. The company counsel pointed out that a suit involving the same issue aptitude work to their disadvantage in that it might force EPA to compel Shawnee to speed up its compliance with the clean-up directive.Shawnee would not want this to happen because it would mean an earlier silver outflow for the project. Moreover, if Shawnee lost a court case with Manasseh (and the probability was very high because unquestionably, Shawnee was the source of the toxic metal in the river), the company counsel feared that much(prenominal) a ruling might cause a negative influence on the EPA regarding their directive on the toxic metal clean-up. (Selig, 2002)The aforementioned motivations compelled both parties to withhold on discussing possibilities despite recurring impasses brought about by their conflicting interests. The counsels of both parties played a signific ant role in maintaining interest in the intervention not only by their constant reminders about the undesirability of litigation, but also by their active participation in efforts to look for mutually-beneficial alternatives. It mustiness be the right way noted that during one of the lulls in the discussion, it was the remark of one of the legal counsels that it would be a lot simpler and cheaper if we could repair the dam instead of having to take it down, (Selig, 2002) that started the ball trilled again.Notice should also be make of the participants enthusiasm in following-up any new ideas that came from discussants from both sides of the table every time an impasse occurred. When one of the attorneys made the remark about the possibility of a repair being cheaper, it was a Manasseh vice president who followed it up by asking if we were to repair this dam, could we restore railway system service over the top and also use it once again to generate electricity? (Selig, 2002)An other constructive quality shown by the parties to the conflict was their exercise set to look at the issue from all sides and take into account radical departures from their original demands and objectives in order to investigate all possible areas of agreement. For instance, the final exam consequence found by the parties that of repairing the dam, restoring the railway service, and operating a turbine that would generate power (Selig, 2002) was a far cry from their original plan of dredging the toxic wastes and dismantling the dam. However, since both parties were determined to look for a solution, their discussions stretched that far.The successful resolution of the problem faced by Manasseh and Shawnee as shown in this case history, is evidence that if parties to conflicts adopt the correct position before embarking on conflict resolution processes, solutions that could benefit all parties involved are almost always available. That attitude would include a determination to fragmentise the issue in a way that would benefit the two sides. To achieve such an attitude, both parties are required to come prepared to open up, chatter freely, patiently listen to arguments, empathize with the others situation, and be prepared to utilize all pieces of information arising out of the discussions to explore possible avenues of success.As a tactical move, it might help to stand firm on ones position, but for the sake of a successful negotiation, one should never determination the door on proposals from the other side. In the case history presented, several issues stalled the discussion. The first hurdle proved to be the differential amount of $2.2 million that Manasseh insisted must be paid by Shawnee and which Shawnee expectedly rejected. (Selig, 2002). However, because both sides were decided to settle things out of court, that disagreement, and all other subsequent differences of opinions, did not deter them from seeing the process to its final conclusion.Th e Manasseh Shawnee negotiation showed that in cases where the parties to a conflict are both intent on resolving their common problem, the mediator becomes redundant. A mediator is someone who has no interest in the case, personal or otherwise, and his or her neutrality is supposed to afford him or her with an unobstructed view of the possible solutions to the conflict.However, in the subject case history where both parties were determined to cooperate in order to find a mutually-beneficial solution out of court their positive attitude was enough to cater them with a certain amount of neutrality that enabled them to stay focused on looking for possible solutions to their shared problem. Of course, full realization of the dire consequences to both parties in case they failed to reach an agreement proved decisive. Both Manasseh and Shawnee, for instance, were fully aware of the urgency of repairing the dam before it collapsed because they were advised by their respective counsels that they would probably be held jointly and severally liable for the consequences of such a collapse. (Selig, 2002)The six-month deadline fixed by the Corps of Engineers for the removal of the dam provided an added impetus for the two parties to stay on the negotiating table in spite of several impasses until a solution was finally found. (Selig, 2002) Based on this case history, it would therefore be safe to conclude that given the priggish guidance and control from the proper authority, it only takes total cooperation from both parties to render the mediator redundant.REFERENCESSelig, E.I. (2002). Mediation Principles An Environmental Case History. Dispute Resolution
How to Write a Paragraph Essay
Writing a paragraph does not manifestly involve throwing words into the pool, hoping that it would create something meaningful. One must first create an lineation in do to organize the scattered ideas before dedicating words into the paragraph. When writing a paragraph, one must start glowering with a hook blame which can attract readers and encourage them to read more.That would be applicable to the canonic paragraph only. The succeeding paragraphs should contain a topic sentence rather than the hook sentence. After each topic sentence, the writer should support it with ideas that are related to the topic sentences idea. This actually composes the embody of the paragraph.This part of the paragraph should be clear and concise. The writer must not use wordy sentences since it takes up a lot of space. Finally, one must conclude each paragraph by summarizing the ideas into one sentence and creating a transitional sentence which can relate the paragraph to the next. For introducto ry paragraphs, the last sentence should be the thesis statement of the whole paper. So when writing a paragraph, the writer should always start with an outline to organize his or her scattered ideas. This is where every paragraph should begin.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Is Fanfiction a Legitimate Activity for Fans? Essay
Robin Hobb (2005) defined fanfiction as the create verb aloney work of fans and holders who use the authors reliable characters in their own fiction with forth any melody of consent. As an author who is against fanfiction, she wrote a full length essay to describe this genre of paternity as a foul approach to the craft. On the other hand, a blogger named Justin responded to the unalike items Hobb listed. In this light, many submit express that committal to writing fanfiction is non a coherent activity for fans, much less wakeless.As Hobb illustrated in her essay, fanfiction is definitely a genre of literature that should be heavily discouraged. Her arguments aimed to justify that legal actions should be taken upon this frontingly intellectual theft. In contrast, Justins arguments aimed to legitimize this practice of writing, and point that fanfiction is not illegal. To illustrate the premises, the cost legal and legitimate should be defined. The online dictionary wrot e that legal refers to an act recognized and permitted by law. In recounting to fanfiction, there are no laws that allow writers to create fanfiction.Subsequently, there are no laws either that bans this activity. When writing fanfiction, writers are explicitly asked to write disclaimers to declare and clarify that they do not have any flesh of rights over the characters by the original authors. Legitimate activities are those that are in accordance to law. The online dictionary listed that it questions the legitimacy of the object or act. Fanfiction is not entirely an authentic artwork since the characters used in the stories are borrowed from individual else.However, since these rights have been wavered in the form of disclaimers, the other elements of fiction are in the hands of fans and readers, legitimizing their intellectual shoes over their fanfiction. The following paragraphs will present the arguments of Hobb and the responses by Justin. These are aimed to exemplify i f fanfiction is truly a legal and legitimate activity for fans. How each side argues around the motion, however, does not result to a fact. This means that this is but a deliberation between two writers regarding this issue.First, fanfiction writers compose using the authors elements in the novel characters, settings and general plot without consent, as Hobb said in the equal essay. Here, the author was trying to imply that the writers are stealing intellectual property. Justin responded to this by saying that once published materials are shared to its audience, these people acquire engaged and take part in its success or downfall. He also questioned why those plastic film tie ins are more acceptable and not categorized as fanfiction when only sponsorship sets it apart.Just because currency is involved doesnt mean that fanfiction writers are practicing intellectual theft and productions battling for movie tie ins are real welcomed. The blogger further expressed that when they sue fanfiction writers, it is as if they are suing children for drawing the many Disney characters. In this set of arguments, the faithfulness of fanfiction is softenn priority. Financial affairs are usually tied with legal actions. Here, it has been said that fanfiction writers do not put one across through writing this genre.These writers create stories to satisfy curiosities and fantasies that were intrigued by reading or watching an original artwork. Any writer would say that they write for entertainment first, and money maybe later. Second, Hobb implied that there is no broad(a) coming out of writing fanfiction. It does not violate any copyright law, and writers do not earn from it. Justin responded to this by stating that fanfiction creates more than possibilities along the original story lines. It allows fan communities to have a stronger bond.More importantly, it gives trend to a broader creative opportunity to express themselves as writers. Many writers create stories not to earn, but only when to experience the joy of writing, something many known authors went through even before the start of their careers. By writing fanfiction, people discover other writers who have the same interests. It promotes relationships among fans, and not just their creativity. Third, Hobb said that it lowers the ratings of their works. Fanfiction is a form of identity theft.Justin immediately responded to this by saying that fanfiction can be a form of literary criticism, and that when she despises these forms of fiction, she is taking these criticisms as personal judgments. Furthermore, the author of the blog added that fanfiction widens the readers of the works of these authors, especially when the fanfiction has been well written. Hobb continued that those who read fanfiction rough Harry Potter might get the wrong mind about the context of the series Justin said that majority of those who read Harry Potter fanfiction are most likely those who have read or se en the works J.K. Rowling has authored. Fourth, the author said that fanfiction writers who create stories based from her work is in a way claiming her work, and cannot be right from any angle. Justin reacted that these writers are her readers, and that they are those who will be saying if her works have been triple-crown or not, if she is a great writer or not. That is how the industry of writing is. One is not a successful writer if his reader was not happy about his story. Moreover, Justin added that reading is half the joy because all texts have different interpretations.Hobb can never ascertain that her readers will all have the same view after reading her works. Everybody have different mind sets and different backgrounds, which can strongly affect how they read and understand a story. Furthermore, authors should feel privileged and honored that their works gained fanfictions because it goes to show that their stories deeply touched the black Maria and minds of these people that they respond in such a creative avenue. Fanfiction writers do not tell authors that they do a mistake, and that their works are ugly.In fact, they have become inspired they just have different interpretations. Fifth, Hobb said the intent of the author is ignored. The original context was changed relationships, death, ending, and plot. Justin further emphasized that it was how the fan writers perceived their works. nobody was written to spite the author. More importantly, nothing was written to close loose ends in the story. It is more of widen the possibilities in the story the what ifs and maybes the audience have encountered during the course of the story.The works of the many authors are deeply love and fully appreciated, knowing the time and effort they must have exerted to finish the novel or series of. Fanfiction writers are not holding any claim on it. Sixth, Hobb was told that fanfiction is an appropriate avenue to become a better writer. She responded by saying tha t if this was the truth, then karaoke creates singers and coloring books create artists. Justin just called her ludicrous. Among her arguments, this is by far-off the wobblyest.Of course, these are the avenues to discover talent. How else would you know if a child would be a painter if you wont give coloring books, a musician without instruments, or a writer without books? Talent cannot be spy without initiating its search. Seventh, to counter this, Hobb said that fanfiction is not a means to become a writer. By completely changing many aspects of the original context, this pretense of creating stories is not a good practice of writing.Justin responded to this by presenting examples like scoop shovel Ernest, Duchamps and Basquiat, Public Enemy, DJ Shadow and Negativeland, whose masterpieces must be considered as theft of intellectual property and be imprisoned. The original ideas of the authors are not stolen. They are, in way, taken into the next level. Eight, Hobb always emph asized that the original idea belongs to its creator, as Justin pointed out. However, not all plots are invented. Ideas are usually similar. They are only altered slightly, and it would seem different.In such a craft, ideas are not always new, but what matters is how it was approached and written. It usually boils down to the same theme. Critiques question craftsmanship and not the main idea alone. These points highlight that Hobbs arguments against fanfiction are very weak and does not fully justify fanfiction as an illegal activity for fans. Plagiarism was not committed since fanfiction writers give full credit to the original authors. Moreover, these writers do not create fanfiction to earn, but simply to write and rival with other writers of the same interests. They write for growth and not selfish reasons.Hobb failed to give light to her legal and legitimate stand against fanfiction since her arguments mainly concerned personal rants and close minded opinions. This paper initi ally stated that the points brought out in this paper cannot fully stand on either affirmative or opposition. However, based on the given text, this paper concludes that fanfiction is a legitimate activity for fans.Works Cited Justin. November 9, 2005. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2. 5 Malaysia License. 27 December 2007 .
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Multi National Corporation
On balance, transnational corporations provide more validatory outcomes for society than negative wholenesss. international corporations atomic number 18 practically in all(prenominal) sphere of modern life, from policy making to theenvironment and international guarantor from problems of identity and community to the future of thrash and nation state. (Gabel and Bruner,2003, VI) A multi-national corporation (MNC) is a traffic organisation which has its headquarters in one country but conducts and controls productive activities in a range of different countries.There atomic number 18 numerous ex massives of such organisations, car manu situationurers deal Ford, Toyota, Honda , Volkswagen oil companies like Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil technology companies like Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard ,Canon food and drink companies such as Coca Cola, Interbrew, McDonalds, FMCG companies like P&G and banking companies like Yes bank, Hsbs, etc.According to bartlett and Ghoshal (1998), the transnational organisation is defined by the following characteristics A decentralized federation of as limit and responsibilities, a counseling process defined by simple financial control systems overlaid on informal personal coordination, and a dominant strategic mastermind that viewed the bon tons universe of discoursewide operations as a portfolio of national business. In a international organisation, the decisions, obviously, atomic number 18 decentralised. Generally speaking multinational corporations are a boon to this universe.They conduct make this world a burst place to live in. There are numerous positive outcomes of a MNC. These corporations take on brought this world together and take aim affiliated the whole mankind. They pay back developed the underdeveloped countries through their investments and up(p) their frugality. MNC, by their very nature, are large organisations. Their size means they often have considerable force-out and influence and as a result have come in for about criticism of their actions. It is overly assumed that MNCs t stopping point to locate operations in poor countries only.This, of course, is non the case. Honda and Nissan have both invested heavily in production facilities in the UK but are Japanese companies. (Bized, 2007) international Corporations are believed to play a major role in improving the economy and lifestyle of the ontogenesis country. MNC have made this world a world-wide village and connected people from all musical compositions of the world and made them work together in a state of harmony. Due to these transnational corporations, the working of people from different origin, caste, and melt is accomplishable.These corporations are the reason that we stooge right away live together with any type of human. They have made it possible for us to think globally and live globally. It is believed among many an(prenominal) economists that MNCs fill various crevices within a hos t countrys economy. The first and most often cited one is that, when domestic investment and savings doesnt meet the call for rate of growth in the economy, the gap in investment is alter by the MNCs investment because these corporations have large funds and so can help in create an economy benefitting the whole world.Secondly when the targeted contrary ex veer is not met by the net foreign exchange derived from imports and exports together with net earthly concern debt, the gap is constituted by MNCs net exports and capital inflow. These giant enterprises as well as fill the gap between targeted political sympathies tax r unconstipated offues and locally raised taxes. Lastly the gap of management skills, entrepreneurship and technological skills are believed to be filled by the MNCs. They bind all sorts of people together because these are huge agencies and so require whole kit and boodle of all type.Engineers use technological skills to make a product which is sold by entr epreneurs using management skills and lastly the whole all account is managed by managers. So everyone works together filling up the gap between them. (Financial times, 2001) According to A. K. Cairn Cross, It is not possible to buy development so cheaply. The training of foreign capital may yield a more adequate stand, but rarely by itself generates rapid development unless there are already large investment opportunities going a begging. That is wherefore the intervention of multinational corporations is imperative in the context of the economic growth and modernisation of developing economies where ample investment avenues lie open and yet collectible to lack of capital and technical know-how, these potentials remain unexploited. Multinational corporations help in reorganising the economic infrastructure in collaboration with the domestic sector through financial and technical help. These corporations build huge buildings and factories which improves the infrastructure of a d eveloping country to a huge extent. Multinational organisations (MNO) have helped in he increase of charterment in the host nation as swell as in the other countries where it functions. Let us assume that a lodge manufactures and supplies raw natural for making furniture. To this firm, the contract to supply the raw material for the new plant might be charge ? 35000. If the plant was not built then the firm get out not generate that order and not receive that work. For workers working in the plant, the order helps to maintain the flow of orders and can keep them in employment. It can also be expected that the redundant income will find its way through the local economy.If additional people are hired, they will receive an income which they spend. For existing workers, increased orders might equate to job security and they too might feel more confident in spending on new items furniture, raise ex stress, new white goods, holidays and so on. Inward investment therefore can act as a trigger to generating wealth in the local economy. If a MNC is attracted to an area then this might also entrust to other smaller firms in the supply chain deciding to locate in those areas. Other firms providing serve to these firms are then attracted to the area and so on. (Bized, 2007)MNCs provide immense resources and investments, technology, innovation and expertise to the host societies. A culture of research and development is advanced and human resources are developed, at least within the organization. MNCs also contribute significantly to the national treasury by paying taxes. As these organisations have huge revenues and profits so the amount of tax paid by these organisations is also large, this in turn lifts up the economy of the country. MNCs bring with them new ideas and new techniques that can help to improve the quality of production and help hike up the quality of human capital in the host country.Many will not only look to employ local labour but also pr ovide them with training and new skills to help them improve productivity and efficiency. In some cases this can prove a challenge but in others it can overhaul to improvements in motivation and productivity. The skills that workers build up can then be passed on to other workers and so this improves the supply of skilled labour in the area which makes it more attractive to new industry as it helps to reduce the costs of training and skilling of workers. In addition to the investment in a country in production and distribution facilities, a multinational orporation might also invest in additional infrastructure facilities like road, rail, port and communications facilities. This can provide benefits for the whole country as in building road or port one requires labour, therefore eradicating the problem of unemployment. If people are employed they will like to buy different products which will lead to increase of production and supply leading to making of new factories to meet the demand and therefore uplifting the whole economy. Peter Drucker (1975) remarks that multinationalism and expanding world trade are two sides of the equal coin.He points out that the period of most rapid growth of multinational trade was in the fifties and sixties. Indeed, during this period the world economy grew faster than the fastest growing domestic economy of Japan. India has incessantly been facing the issue of adept conk out since the past few decades where Indian students go to developed economies like United States for high studies andnever return back. But the above statement highlights a new trend, even though not asprominent as the earlier one, entrepreneurs migrating to other emerging economies for better business prospects.But due to slackening in 1991 many multinational corporations are allowed in our country which has reduced brain drain to a much greater extent, as students get the opportunities to work in a better environment that is matching their take aim of pedagogy, in their home country itself as these corporations give the skilled employees a good amount of money which was missing before the globalization. So they come back after the higher education to work in their home country instead of settling in foreign nations. In short it causes Brain Gain instead of Brain Drain.Good governance, organizational transparency, clear command structures, and performance-based evaluation and incentives programs for employees encourage the merit system. MNCs introduce a professional working environment and culture for local organizations to emulate, thereby promoting serious management and business education. In some cases, large-scale economies, quality control and a healthy competitor lead to price cuts and other benefits for the end-user. People have more access to the comforts of life with a large variety of choices.Today a person is available with many choices if he goes to buy a suitcase or a shoe. There are ten brands offering the sa me material so the company is forced to use the dress hat quality materials for their product reducing the amount of prices. Earlier before liberalization there was no contestation so as there was a single local company selling a product which gave that local company full authority over the prices and the material apply in making the product. These local companies used low quality material and increased the prices of the goods.But this drawback has been fulfilled by these multinational corporations. MNCs help boost cross-boundary interaction among people. Even education, particularly, business education, has taken on a global perspective. The global perspectives and opportunities for cross-cultural understanding increase the adaptability of students to alien environments. This leads to the mixing of cultures and practices and encourages pluralism as well as competition which helps in overall learning of the student and makes him capable of working in any environment. (Khalid Rahm an, n. d. The enormous resources of the multinational enterprises enable them to have very efficient research and development systems. Thus, they make a commendable ploughshare to inventions and innovations. They also work to equalize the cost of Factors of Production- Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneur-around the world. MNCs also stimulate domestic enterprise because to halt their own operations, the MNCs may encourage and assist domestic suppliers. So they help in increase consummation and break domestic monopolies.Today fun and amusement have become a refuge for man from their misery, tension and daily hectic routine. A good level of Media Company can provide that kind of entertainment that will help the common man to relax. A good show can only be made if the company has enough funds to afford it which is only manageable by a multinational corporation. Due to the globalization we are able to enjoy the fun of the animated movies, thrill of James adherence and Romance of Twilight. We have been able to enjoy the 3D effects and the shopping mall life due to these corporations.The luxuries offered by the Grand Hayat or Radisson are not possible without MNCs. Reliance is a perfect case for a MNC which provides entertainment to all sorts of people worldwide. From theatres to producing a movie, from channels to televisions, reliance provides everything related to entertainment to the catch ones breath of the world. The khushiyon ki home delivery of dominoes or the yummy Mc veggie burger of McDonalds was not even believed to be possible in your home town thirty years back. In this world of skyscrapers and locomotion to mile long distances for work, one requires transport.I dont think one can travel by foot twenty kilometres to your office. One has to possess a vehicle or travel by public transport. These vehicles are manufactured by the MNCs like Ford, Mahindra, Honda, Tata and many more. Multinational companies have made your easy and comfortable. In a survey carried over all over the world the most important, unavoidable and most mandatory service or profession is the field of medicine. To answer the question of MNCs having more positive outcomes than the negative ones, why not take this important field as an index, Particularly in India.This is a proven fact that medical professionals trained in India are amongst the best in the world. A large percentage of doctors in NHS UK (National wellness Scheme) 26 % to be exact, and in United States are doctors of Indian origin. This so called brain drain was primarily because of lack of availability of infrastructure and facilities for peculiar(a)ized training and treatments in India. With the advent of Multinational corporations the best of the training facilities, knowledge equipments and medicines are now available freely in India at affordable cost. Health commission of India, London) We take a particular example in the field of orthopaedic surgery, particularly juncture replacemen ts. The Dr. C S Ranawat Atal Bihari Vajpai episode- is not far away when India or India trained doctors replaced our prime ministers knee union with an artificial joint made by a foreign MNC which was designed and invented by Dr C S Ranwat himself. Incidentally who is from Indore and an old Dalian. To take a company in particular as an example DEPUY, this was antecedently owned by Johnson and Johnson but now merged with Synthes.They are the largest manufactures of artificial joints of hip and knee in the world. As their operations are now very well established in India the best, latest joints are available freely to us. As these companies have access to the most modern training facilities and so the strength Indian doctors can get trained in India and abroad at affordable expenses and with ease. The Depuy academy in Chennai, the Ethicon institute in New Delhi and many others are amongst the best training institutes in the world set up by these huge multinational enterprises.As the se corporations have associations, sponsorships with the faculties who are in the fore front of research, the Indian doctors now have better opportunity to gain knowledge with the leaders in their field. The sessions held in many cities held in India of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) and annual meetings of IGOF Indo German orthopaedic foundations are possible only because of the logistic and financial support of these corporate. Similarly the British orthopaedic society is having a special autumn session in the national conference of the Indian orthopaedic association in Chennai.So now we have a situation where the best of the medical professionals with world class training and knowledge gird with all the latest equipments and implants available at our door step. no(prenominal) a common man who previously could not afford to have such modern operations or surgeries now can have access to them. One do not have to go abroad to have these procedures. Agreed that s ome profit goes to the multinational giants but the ultimate beneficiary is the common man. As the number of these high end surgeries increases the local hospitals, doctors, infrastructure, paramedical staff have their own benefits.Looking to the huge population of India and as the number of these surgeries are growing rapidly, the Indian doctors are also now becoming opinion at world level and the Mncs are designing the implants to special Asian needs. And as the experience of the Indian MNCs are supplying same products to the world. So the product used in its home country will be same as the product it has supplied to the rest of the world. One cannot deny the fact that, nowadays multinational companies have become part of our lives.With all the above glamour and luxuries offered by these corporations they provide a lot of economic help to the developing countries. There are some negative aspects of multinational companies but there are more positive outcomes. They have made our lives worth living. The technological advancements and business growth is the result of working of these corporations. MNCs have connected the world as a whole. Some will say that globalization has ruined the culture of a country, say India. But what MNCs have eradicated is not our rich traditions but our false believes.One still celebrates Diwali with the same ebullience as he used to do ten years ago. But due to globalization today women have the right to vote, the literacy rate of our country has increased, female foeticide and infanticide is banned, untouchability has been banned, caste system is eradicated. Today people have started following their own dreams, not doing what others say. Education system of the country has developed. Number of students going into higher education is increasing year by year.This all is possible only because MNCs have brought Globalization which has led to change in the narrow minded mentality of the people to a realistic logical one. Todays gener ation is grown up and does not live in a world surrounded by superstitions. Imagine a world without MNCs where we dont have all the big companies and your favourite brands. From coca-cola to KFC, from Reebok to Adidas, from Starbucks to Barista, CK to UCB, and Louis Vetton to Gucci You are Living It. REFRENCE LIST 1. Gabel M and H Bruner,2003. Global In, New York The New Press. 2.Peter drucker, management, Bombay, Allied publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1975, p. 733 3. Christopher A Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal, Managing Across Borders, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1998 4. Bized, 2007, Economic Notes- Multi-national Corporations, http//www. bized. co. uk/learn/economics/notes/multi. htm (date accessed 16/10/2012) 5. Dinithi Thanthiriwatte, 6th June 2004, MNCs condemnation or boon for development? Financial Times, Sunday Times. 6. A K Craincross, 1953, Home and Foreign Investment, 1870-1913 Studies in Capital Accumulation, University Press . Khalid Rahman, MNCs and TNCs Their Role and Socioeconomic Impact on Host Societies, Policy Perspectives, Volume 4, No. 2, http//www. ips. org. pk/globalization/1007-mncs-and-tncs-their-role-and-socioeconomic-impact-on-host-societies. html (date accessed 18/10/12) 8. Health Commission of India, London, Biotechnology and Healthcare, http//hcilondon. in/biotech. php (date accessed 20/10/2012 ) 9. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, http//www3. aaos. org/education/international/courses/prev_courses. cfm? evt_year=2012 (date accessed 21/10/2012)
Saturday, May 18, 2019
How HIPAA Violations Affect the Medical Billing Process Essay
When you hear human immunodeficiency virus you always think of back up ar they the same or is there a difference. HIPAA Privacy rationale HIPAA is a federal jurisprudence thatProtects the patients privacy with their aesculapian records and different health information provided to health plans, hospital, compensates and altogether other health care providers.Allows the patient access to their medical records.It gives the patient rights to how their personal information is employ and exposed.HIPAA has proven to be very successful in stopping unlikeness against the people diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus and Aids by preventing anyone from knowing around their human immunodeficiency virus and Aids status. In the year 2000 laboratories and doctors are required by law to report to their State wellness Department all cases of HIV and Aids. They are reported to best(p) measure the HIV and Aids epidemic, and how it is changing and to create programs for HIV and Aids pre vention and offer medical which best serve affected people and their communities.All this information is protected by confidentiality laws. Under this law identifying information regarding who has HIV and Aids can only be used to help the State wellness Department track the epidemic and for partner notification this information cannot be shared with immigration and naturalisation Service (INS), police, welfare agencies, landlords, employers and indemnity companies. The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues guidelines influencing states to collect and report the selective information on HIV and Aids so they can track the epidemic on a bailiwick basis. The state health department will then remove all the personal information (name, address, etc.) from your shew results and send the information to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Over the next several years HIV and Aids data will become the basis for funding formulas which will allocate federal funds for care & treatment under The Ryan White Comprehensive back up Resources Emergency (CARE) Act.This is the largest federally funded program in the United States for people living with HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. This lay out reaches hundreds of thousands of people every year with medical care, drugs, and have services. The program requires that health departments receiving money from the Ryan White program show good faith efforts to notify the wedding partners of a patient with HIV and aid. ( (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the T-cells in the tolerant system. This illness changes their immune system making people very vulnerable to ailments and infections. This condition worsens as it progresses corresponding to research the origins to this disease dates back to the late 19th or early 20th century in Western profound Africa. In 2008 worldwide there were33.4 cardinal People living with HIV and support.2 .7 new HIV infections2 million deaths from aidThe disease was identified in the 1980s, and there is now known cure, but treatments and medicament can slow the course of the disease. The newest drug combination drug therapy can cost up to $20,000 in U.S. dollars a year. HIV is found in body fluids like semen and vaginal fluids, blood and rapper mild. And can be passed through blood-to-blood and also sexual contact. Women can pass this to their babies through pregnancy, childbirth, and through mammilla milk. AIDS is (acquired immune deficiency syndrome or immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is the disease shake upd by the HIV virus AIDS is the syndrome that appear in the advance stages of HIV infection, AIDS is a medical condition derived from HIV. HIV and AIDS are the same AIDS is the outdated name and HIV is the correct name.There are 3 recognized ethical principles that apply to clinical and research ethics Respect refers to respecting the decisions of autonomous people and defe nd the ones who lack decision making capacity and therefore are not autonomous and imposes a dogmatic obligation to treat people with respect by keeping this information confident and keeping promises. munificence imposes a positive obligation of the best interest of the patient. Justice requires people to be do by fairly and often requires that benefits and burdens to be distributed fairly within society. Privacy is criticalwhen it comes to HIV and AIDS, because of the sensitivity of HIV link information most patients dont want to share this private and personal aspect of their biography because it involves their sexual behavior or substance abuse.This information can lead to stigmatization this can cause patients to worry about their privacy being protected, and they may be hesitant to see a doctor or remain in the care of a physician. It is vital to have health care providers get that they are committed to securing patient privacy. The law gives certain protection to or co nditions. Electronic systems need to be able to identify and manage this data appropriately. HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are a whole different category with special privacy concerns. When releasing HIV and AIDS records for other purposes it is necessary to identify testing and treatment for these conditions through the use of red flags or warning messages. The electronic system simplifies exclusion or segregation of HIV test results to protect against release without patients proper have from the patient.Preferably a system will also flag treatment of HIV and Aids when producing copies of records. EHR systems essential provide mechanisms that enable facilities that extra layer of protection for this information required under 42 CFR, dissipate 2 requires patient take for disclosures of protected health information even for the purpose of treatment this consent must be in writing. When a health care provider providers care to an HIV and AIDS patient they seem to be paseoing and ethical tightrope even when they are aware of protocol about disclosing HIV status simple assumptions and carelessness can lead to devastating consequences for the patient and also reasoned ramifications. There are some things a health care worker can do on their own to protect private information while at work. Turn off your computer when you walk away or not in use. Set your computer with passwords to get access to confidential files. economic consumption a system that will trace who accesses confidential information. Become familiar with the law train employees in proper disclosure protocol. Never discusses a patients HIV and AIDS status.Social ramifications exist if HIV and AIDS information is announced improperly. If a patients friends discover he or she has HIV and AIDS they wont want to be around them due to the fear of catching the disease peoplewill get moving to gossip spreading this private information destructing the life of the infected perso n. They will undoubtedly be treated differently. He or she could have difficulty finding employment if the employer finds out about the disease because of incompatible disclosure of medical information. If a person is living with HIV and Aids you are protected against discrimination under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).Under these laws, discrimination performer that you are not allowed to participate in a service that is offered to others or you are denied a benefit, because of your HIV disease. ( http// ) HIV and AIDS in the workplace gets larger each year, because it affects people between ages 25 44 and they make up 50% of our 121% million workers. There are laws to protect people with HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 (ADA) does not allow employment discrimination be cause of disability and covers businesses with 15 or much employees. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Federal and state governments work with to a greater extent than 100 million working men and women and 6.5 million employers.The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) this act to the private-sector of employers of 50 or more employees and within a 75 mile radius of their worksite. A person is entitled to a total of 12 weeks of job protected unpaid leave in a 12 month period. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Addresses obstacles to healthcare you can face if you are HIV and AIDs positive. protect you discriminatory treatment from your insurance company, and also protects your privacy rights. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1986 (COBRA). This law allows employees the option to keep their health insurance at their own expense after acquiring laid off, fired from a job. Allowing them to purchase health insurance for a period up to 36 months. HIV and AIDS not only hurt people with the disease but also their families and families. concord to the International Labor Organization believes that by the year 2020 HIV and AIDS will lower the manpower by 24 million people. This will cost the workforce higher costs of medical insurance as well as work absences related to health, hiring and costs of retraining.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Analytical Paper
Presenting the unrestricted with two equal sides and making the scientific community seem divided. The best way that constrains Interfered with a scientific consensus was to generate doubt indoors the American public by creating a delve between scientists. For example, the harmfulness of acid rain was questioned when Fred Singer 1 contradicted the factual evidence of his committee by claiming in an formal g everywherenment report that the causes of acid rain were not certain and that a reduction in industrial emissions would not necessarily help solve the problem.Both of these statements were in direct contradiction with the international scientific community, which do the consensus seem wavering and the official White House-appointed panel seem divided. Fred Singer reemerges on the issue of ozone depletion by blasting the science community when claiming that the whole issue was an under- researched overreaction (1 26) he claimed that ozone depletion was due to natural stratosph eric cooling (127).Several long time later, Bill Emergencies created doubt over humor transport when he lead a report maintain that rolling CA was a problem that loud be solved with technology and the government exclusively needed to fund more research (183). Merchants of Doubt provides countless examples of contraction scientists chopping down the certainty of scientific findings. Constrains like Singer and Energetic are able to discredit the work of thousands of scientists because they are praised leading scientists who beget served in distinguished federal science corporations.They collapse developed ties to the government through federal agencies, hypothesize tanks, and direct contact with congressman, senators, and presidents (7). Secondly, the people who are being arrogated by scientists are industries with lots of money, which have the resources to direct and provide funding to influential people who will defend their products. With strong reputations and money, contr action scientists are comprehend as experts with Informed opinions and thus are granted a false sense of credibility and Influence.Tactic 2 Tagging scientist as unstable and calling their findings junk. Fred Sister, an influential defender of the tobacco fabrication, invented a tactic of contraction scientists that targeted the EPA as a Junk organization whose science is manipulated to fulfill a governmental agendum (144) and imposes enormous scotch costs on all aspects of society (142). Sites and Singer blasted their views of the EPA as bad scientists all over public media venues such as the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.Singer attacked the EPA for not considering that adverse wellness effects from second hand smoke could be due to outside factors when doing an epidemiological study he claimed the EPA rigged their results and ignored other possibilities In order to dupe the public (144). I believe the bad science argument Is accepted by the public because scien ce Is nearly misunderstood for a renewal of reasons. Firstly, research results can be complicated and generally confusing to a nonscientific, therefore the public moldiness credible counterargument and splitting the scientific consensus (Task 1).Most people have no scientific baseline from which to make inform opinions so they gather information from experts from both sides of a scientific story. Secondly, science in general is an documental project, scientists stress that their results are always falsifiable and that continued research is necessary to strengthen a scientific finding. For example, Roger Reveille started a talk to the AAAS about climate change by saying, There is a trusty but by no means certain chance that the worlds average climate will break significantly warmer during the next century (191).Constrains used this ambiguous statement as a way to direct that scientists are unsure of their work, when in fact there is no certain chance in both scientific trend. In order to remain trustworthy, scientists must always instill a sense of fairness that is misconstrued as uncertainty. Tactic 3 Making the public believe that environmentalism is a threat to the American value system. One goal of scientific findings on acid rain or the ozone hole is to invoke policy-making action that will ensure safety to humans and the environment.Contraction scientists claim that this goal is UN-American and that the corrupt political agenda of environmentalism is a threat to human rights. For example, a pro-smoking organization, FORESTS, claimed that if smoking was banned, there is essentially no terminal point to how much government can ultimately control our lives (164). As Singer and Sites would put it, it was individual license at stake. Today smoking, tomorrow Who knew? (145). Science was also attacked for being uneconomic. Dixie Lee Ray in the 1992 Progress Foundation Economic Conference claimed sustainability was replacing economic progress (252).Co nstrains aimed to convince Americans that by protecting industry they were protecting their liberty that depended on economic progress (252). This tactic was made possible because constrains tapped into the American fear of the communistic Soviet Union by claiming that environmentalism was a socialist endeavor. They pegged environmentalists as Watermelons green on the outside, red on the inside (248). When the Cold War ended, constrains funneled socialist fear into an anti-climate change movement, which revolved around the idea that climate change was against Americans liberty and prosperity.The attackers believed they were working to secure the blessings of liberty as if science was being used against those blessings?in ways that challenged the freedom of free enterprise (238). Constrains put science under the fire by claiming that its agenda was to deny the rights of citizens, much like the Soviets did to their citizens in the Cold War. Conclusion The players mentioned?singer, Su ite, Energetic, Lee Ray, and FOREST ?among others have created nonionised patterns of doubt that misconstrue the validity of research and science.Using money and influence, they have dismantled any form of consensus within the scientific community and have used popular media outlets to echo their claims. 9 They understand the American ferocity on economic have attacked scientists as being politically incentive socialists that threaten citizens rights to freedom and prosperity. They have used these strategies to stunt political action in issues like acid rain and climate change and have caused the American public to lose faith in the credibility of science.
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